Selected for J-StartUpWEST

We are pleased to announce that Future Machine has been selected for J-StartUpWEST, a start-up support project run by the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry (Chugoku and Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry)!
'J-StartUpWEST' means...
This initiative supports the rapid growth of promising start-ups from the Chugoku and Shikoku regions
by selecting them as J-Startup WEST selected companies and providing intensive support through public-private partnerships.
Thank you for choosing us!
We will continue to work towards solving social issues through our business activities!
For more information, please see the following link.
Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry release.11 companies selected as 'J-Startup WEST' selected companies (Shikoku region)! (Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry) (